Welcome to your class blog, JUST WRITE!, a blog designed to provide an open line of communication between students, teachers and parents and most importantly, encourage student writing.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Welcome to JUST WRITE!

Welcome Students and Parents!

JUST WRITE! Is a blog dedicated to providing an GREEN, open learning space to encouraging student writing and provide a place for student expression. For parents, there is a place for you to post any questions concerning student homework, assignments or grades posted on parent portal. For students, there is a weekly poll, thought questions, areas for posting poems, art or just articles that you may find interesting. Additionally, there are links to some pages that can help you with class assignments and others that you just might find interesting. Feel free to browse and look around -- this is an extension of your classroom.


Each week, you will be assigned a new question or set of questions to ponder and discuss online. A question will be posted every Sunday night and you will have until the following Friday (5 pm) to answer. All of your responses will be graded based on relevance and completion of the question(s), and the use of proper English, grammar and conventions. This means "text talk" (i.e. omg, lol, brb, bff) will not be tolerated.

The following rules apply to your blog:

1) You are allowed to comment on your classmates' comments, but be respectful of everyone's opinions.
2) No cursing or use of any profane/obscene language.

Any violations of these rules will result in you being deleted from the blog, and therefore you will receive a "zero" for the remainder of the year for your weekly blogging assignments.

* Rules are subject to modification at the instructor's discretion.


  1. I want to be like my self in have my own basketball team...

  2. when i grow up i would like to be a lawyer.

  3. I my school was dangerous,but its't.

  4. When I grow up I want to be a truck driver.

  5. I thing I should be able to get money for each grade because I have good grades.
